District (powiat): Krotoszyn
Commune (gmina): Zduny
Forest Inspectorate: Krotoszyn
Forest District: Baszków, Rochy
Trail Details
Route length: 4.3 km
Indicative time to do the route: ca. 2 hours
Nature intricacies/Trail themes: Presentation of selected fragments of Krotoszyn Forest Inspectorate, being of interest nature-wise, with particular focus on nature reserves. The flora is represented by, inter alia: royal fern, stag's-horn clubmoss/groundpine, reindeer lichen, common cottongrass; the fauna features: crane, teal and green sandpiper.
Route managing unit address/contact details:
Regionalne Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Krotoszynie [The Regional Centre for Green Education, Krotoszyn]
ul. Mickiewicza 11
63-700 Krotoszyn