Pobiedziska is a town in the Poznań district (powiat), 22 km south-west of Gniezno, by the road to Poznań.
Constructed probably in the late 13th/early 14th century, destroyed during a Teutonic invasion of 1331, the church, it is believed, was rebuilt by mid-14th century and slightly extended westward. It burnt down at the great fire suffered by the town in 1579, but was restored several times afterwards. The earliest sections of the church’s walls were built of bricks arranged as the Wendish wall. This mononave building has a narrower presbytery, lower than the nave. The nave is covered by a ceiling whilst the presbytery has a false barrel arrangement. The façade’s top is crowned by an ave-bell pinnacle from the late 16th century. The classicist early-nineteenth-century main altar has in its central area a 1621 painting showing the temple’s patron. The nave walls bear late-gothic statues of Our Lady of Sorrows and St. John, there is also a sculpture of Our Lady with the Infant on a crescent (2nd half of 15th c.). Of equal interest is the baroque epitaph of Stanisław Groth, Canon of Gniezno, made of black and red marble, with the buried man’s figure kneeling at the cross.
ul. Gnieźnieńska 2
62-010 Pobiedziska
Tel. +48 61 817 71 12