Everyone who visits Kórnik Castle is drawn to the distinctive portrait hanging in the beautiful dining hall. This is the famous White Lady, who purportedly inspects her domain at night. During the day, the eyes of the portrait studiously follow each of the guests. The portrait, attributed to Antoine Pesne, depicts Teofila Szołdrska-Potulicka née Działyńska (1714-90), a longtime Kórnik Castle resident.
The services Teofila Potulicka rendered the castle, city and district made her so sadly mourned and fondly remembered that legends and tall tales soon started springing up after her death. One tells of the White Lady, who comes down from the portrait at midnight and does the rounds of the castle park in the company of a knight. Another, unjust, one underscores the erotic temperament of the Lady of the Manor. These days Teofila Potulicka is deemed the most celebrated host of the Kórnik estate – more so even than the thrifty, wise and highly distinguished Tytus Działyński. The White Lady is one of Wielkopolska’s most famous ghosts and is immortalised in the name of a Kórnik restaurant. Kórnik Meetings with the White Lady are held every year.