Religious Buildings
A lot of eclectic churches were erected as well. These were mostly neo-Gothic and selecting the best of them is no mean task. Those in Oborniki (1900), Drezdenko (1898-1902) and Chełmce, Kalisz County, (1881-1883) are visible from a long way off on account of their high towers.
Public Buildings
If the forms of buildings erected for religious institutions and the nobility depended on the taste of whoever decided to put them up, then development projects implemented with the inspiration and/or funds of the partitioning powers studiously adopted models alien to Polish tradition in order to Germanise or Russify the appearance of our cities and villages. This is probably the most enduring vestige of Wielkopolska’s having been carved up by two partitioning powers. Low, roomy buildings with flattened hip roofs, like a lot of the buildings put up in the outer limits of the Russian Empire (some of them reminiscent of neoclassical buildings), were common in Congress Poland.