Located on the Warta river, Poznań is the capital town of the land of Wielkopolska, the Province of Wielkopolska and the Poznań Archdiocese.
The National Museum is Wielkopolska’s major museum institution, and one of Poland’s largest ones. It has a total of five branches locally (The Ethnographic Museum, The Museum of the History of Poznań, the Museum of Applied Art, The Museum of Musical Instruments, The Military Museum of Wielkopolska) plus three off-Poznań branches (at Gołuchów, Rogalin and Śmiełów).
The Museum’s old edifice houses a European Art Gallery (14th to 17th centuries), Mediaeval Art Gallery and Polish Art Gallery (16th -18th c.), featuring a Pomeranian painting and a Polish coffin portraits collection. The new wing, in operation since 2001, has become home for the Polish Art Gallery, from the Enlightenment Age to our time.
Aleje Karola Marcinkowskiego 9
61-745 Poznań
Tel. +48 61 856 80 00
For more, read at Museum’s official website.